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ATL's most astounding face painters ready to wow any crowd at your next party or event
Hypnotic Atlanta face painters who will leave your guests spellbound!
Consider adding face painting to your private party, corporate event, or to parties with either kids or adults, we know impressing your guests is the goal.
We have some of the very best face painters in Georgia – they will come with whole books of 50+ advanced designs to choose from, and even just take requests. Wowzers! Now, that's amazing!
We are serving Midtown, Pine Hills, Virginia Highland, Peachtree Heights, Greenbriar, Kirkwood, Campbellton Road, Lindbergh, Sylvan Hills, and everything in between!
The possibilities are endless when you hire the best face painters in Georgia. Whether for a party with kids or adults, we have an artist to satisfy your every need! Choose from our whole books of 50+ advanced designs and even request new ones off-the-cuff - they'll be ready faster than lightning (and without any extra charge).
Catch a Glimpse of the FUN
Add the Fun Factor To Any Event
Our world-class artists are happy to come to parties all around town, every weekend. Book one today.
Birthday Parties
Company Picnics
School Carnivals
Nonprofit Events
Corporate Events
Check out our 1-minute VIDEO: About Wowzers™ Face Painters
Liability insured
Background checked
25 years of planning experience
Triple-reminder system
Professional artists only
World-class support
Face Painting FAQ
How safe is your face paint? What brands or types do your artists use?
How long does it take to paint each face?
$5 from every event booked to the charity of your choice
Each time you make a reservation, YOU CHOOSE which of our 5 favorite charities you'd like your donation to go to
Clients We've Wowed
Serving any event - from large festivals & corporate events to smaller house-parties and get-togethers
Need even more fun for your upcoming Atlanta-area event?
America's Lawn Game Specialists - Add more fun for everyone by renting lawn games for your party!
Triangle specializes in daily rentals of games like cornhole, Giant Jenga, Giant Connect 4, NERF and more.
Introducing Triangle Lawn Games, the leading provider of affordable yard game rentals in America. What started as a small side hustle in a garage a few years ago has since morphed into a well-oiled organization serving hundreds of clients monthly across 24 locations (& more coming soon).
TLG is different from the rest of this industry in that they are insured, offer free cancellation up to 4 hours prior, and specialize in lawn games giving our clients access to amazing resources like rule guides, facilitators, custom cornhole sets and more.
Click here to check out our partner - Triangle Lawn Games - online today for more info