Celebrating over 29 years of party entertainment! ...Since 1995

Celebrating over 29 years of party entertainment! ...Since 1995

Info For Partner Studio Caricature Artists

In addition to caricature artists at live events, Wowzers offers caricatures from photos - also known as "studio caricatures".
We will soon start to run ads for this service on google and elsewhere... but first, we are making a small database of our best partner artists who want to take these studio commissions with us.
SO - are you a uniquely talented studio caricature artist? Have you done a lot of studio caricature pieces in the past? Do you want more studio work? We want to hear from you!


• We pay 50-75% of the fee that we charge the client to the artist. When we offer you a caricature from photos order, we'll tell you the pay up front, and you can accept or decline the commission. Examples: for a black and white caricature (heads and shoulders only) with 5 people, we'd offer to pay you around $150. For a full-color scene with bodies and background with 5 faces, we'd offer to pay you around $500. We aim to offer about $50 per studio hour to you - but it depends on several factors. Sometimes we get large commissions for whole teams of people (like 20 faces) and those are BIG $! :)
• We do all the hard work with the client. We advertise, make the contract, take the payments, organize the request, and communicate with the artist 100%. You ONLY have to communicate with us (this is a good thing!). We serve as the middle-man between you and the client requesting the commission. You simply do the fun part - take the photos and the details of the request from us, and work with us to get it right for the client, within the client's deadline. Easy! :)
• 3-STEP PROCESS for completing orders:  1. Head-sketches only (in black and white) - we MUST make sure the client is okay with the heads before we move on to do the rest of the piece. You take a quick-pic of the sketches, text it to us, and we'll approve it with the client. If the client wants a re-draw on this step, 1 re-draw is expected at no additional charge. If for any reason, the client stops at this step and refuses to move forward, we'll pay you half the promised fee (because we already collected 50% down payment from the client). 2. Full draft of the entire piece - after we approve the head sketches, you then finish the entire piece. Bodies, background, color, special message, names (whatever the client did or didn't request & order). You slap a "watermark" layer on top of this draft, and take a quick-pic of it for us. We show it to the client for final approval. 1 "small" set of revisions is included in our price to the client, and our pay to you. So be ready to do some small revisions of this step, IF the client wants it. 3. Full draft in finished & sized file format - once we gain final approval and collect final payment from client, you remove the "watermark" layer and provide the final work to us in high-res JPG format. All caricatures should be drawn for 11x17" final format, ready for print (unless otherwise specified)
• We pay via WISE same-day (or next business day) after you deliver us the final piece! Yay! Easy-peasy.
• For RUSH ORDERS - we charge the client 20% more, and pay you more. Rush orders are 4-7 day deadlines. Normal deadlines are 8-10 days for each piece, start to finish.
• All artwork from our orders belongs 100% to Wowzers and to the client - for their unlimited use in any/all formats. 
• Questions? Contact Sean, the lead artist, at nuf.srezwow%40ttayh.naes 

FORM: Fill this out now to request to join our studio caricature "partner" artist team

Before filling out this form, please have 3 good examples of past studio caricature work (caricatures from photos) that you've done for your own clients in the past, ready to be attached as files below. Don't worry, we won't share these with anyone or use them in our marketing in any way without your express permission.

(No massive files please)
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(No massive files please)
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(No massive files please)
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TO SEE THE INFO OUR CLIENTS SEE, and how they order, check out the following pages:


One Fun Recent Example! 

"We had such an incredible night and your artwork and efforts were a HUGE part of that success!
Everyone was WOW’d by the artwork and I have already had people reaching out for your contact info and making comments on how this was the best gift they’ve ever seen."
-Emily, Corporate Real Estate Company in San Francisco, 2022
Caricature was done by one of our most-talented partner artists (Tim in Denver) and the client printed it as 11x17" prints for each honoree, plus had it blown up on 4x6' banner for their special celebratory event